Tuesday, 3 April 2012

I might be proud, but at least I'm proud of something. You've taken pride in becoming nothing

Attempting to draw properly again. FAIL.
I probably haven't drawn 'properly' since I finished my Art A level back in June 2011.  Nine months later I've attempted to do some portraiture with a graphite stick, however, it didn't exactly go to plan. I find it looks boring and uninteresting as opposed to my line drawings that I have done to the left.

This is probably the first time I've fully appreciated what I've learnt on my Foundation course, although I may have felt like a complete and utter fool drawing sheep with a pen in my mouth at the time, it's paid off and I've found a better approach to drawing which has opened my mind and gave my drawing a personal and gestural quality which it lacked before.

I don't think I'll be reverting back to traditional methods any time soon.


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